Hillary Renick
Hillary Renick, President of California Indian Land Institute is alumni of the Indigenous Food Initiative at the University of Arkansas as an LL.M. Fellow in Agriculture and Food Law with support from First Nations Development Institute. She received her J.D. from the University of the Oregon School of Law, with certificates of completion in Environmental and Natural Resources, Ocean and Coastal Law, Pro Bono, and Public Service. She was a Research Assistant for Professor Mary Christina Wood, researching Nature’s Trust and Public Trust Doctrine as it relates to Climate Change while working with Oregon’s nine tribes on water and environmental related issues. She also completed graduate studies in Cultural Resource Management as a Bureau of Reclamation Fellow at Central Washington University, successfully defending her Master’s Thesis on Yakama Indian Treaty Fishing and Significance of Traditional Place. She studied Public Health at George Washington University assisting, Dr. David Goldsmith with his research on Native American health problems associated with exposure to agricultural pesticides in agriculture and during artifact repatriation. Hillary received her B.A. in Anthropology from American University in Washington, D.C. and is an enrolled member of the Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians and descendant of the Hopland Shanel, Noyo River Indian and Ft. McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone communities. Hillary is a member of the Department of Interior Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Team assisting tribes during wildfire events. Hillary’s work is focused on land, air, water, cultural resources, traditional hunting, subsistence fishing, gathering protections, centering women’s voices, and dismantling systems of oppression.